Recap: November 6, 2018 Meetup

A big thanks to the folks who made it to our November meetup! If you couldn’t make it in person, you can find recordings of most of our events on our Youtube channel,

And thank you as always to our sponsors who made tonight possible. For the first time, all our attendees had already won books, so no raffle this time, but remember you can always use our group’s discount code—ug367—on for 36% off their books on Elixir and other topics.

Kicking off our open-mic night, Steve Grossi walked through a recent upgrade from Phoenix 1.3 to the just-released 1.4 with support for HTTP2, webpack, and more. He also walked through formatting code with Elixir 1.6’s mix format task and some of its preferences:

After some discussion, we wrapped up the evening collaborating on an exercise: calculating the Nth prime number in the series. Check out our solution below: there’s room for improvement in both performance and elegance, so feedback welcome!

Our next event will be on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 We’re always looking for speakers—please reach out if you’re interested!

And if you just can’t wait until January to hang out and talk tech, you can still sign up for the IndyHackers Holiday Social on December 1: get your (free!) ticket here.

Recap: September 4, 2018 Meetup

Thanks to all who made it to our September meetup! If you couldn’t make it in person, you can find recordings of most talks on our Youtube channel,

Thank you as always to our sponsors who made tonight possible. And congrats to Carl, Conlin, and David, winners of Manning Publications’ Elixir In Action, The Little Elixir and OTP Guidebook, and the upcoming Phoenix In Action.

Eric Oestrich previewed a talk he later delivered at ElixirConf US 2018, “Going Multi-Node,” on scaling an online multi-user dungeon game across multiple servers for enhanced performance and reliability:

You can also watch Eric deliver his talk at ElixirConf here!

Sound exciting? Our next event will be on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 We’re always looking for speakers—please reach out if you’re interested!

Recap: July 3, 2018 Meetup

Thanks to everyone who joined us on Tuesday! If you couldn’t make it, look for recordings soon on our Youtube channel,

A big thank-you to our sponsors who made tonight possible. And congrats to Jimmy, Chris, and Bethany, winners of Manning Publications’ Elixir In Action, The Little Elixir and OTP Guidebook, and the upcoming Phoenix In Action.

We kicked things off with Jared Alford sharing how his team at Sigstr uses Elixir to publish events to Apache Kafka. A challenge they faced with the kafka_ex library is that when Kafka would go down, so would kafka_ex and it would take their application down with it. His solution was a GenServer to monitor Kafka and handle downtime gracefully.

Eric Oestrich mentioned a similar challenge he faced building with websocket connection failures bringing down the entire supervision tree. He’s blogged recently about his “tether” solution to that problem.

Jimmy Miller gave the second talk, diving into property-based testing in Elixir with StreamData and ExUnitProperties. The Elixir core team is considering adding these to Elixir, so it was great to see how they work. Jimmy closed his talk with a rousing argument for why property-based testing matters: it aligns with the very purpose of programming which is to allow developers to think and communicate at a higher level about how the intentions and behavior of the systems we build. Onward!

Sound exciting? Our next event will be on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 We’re always looking for speakers—please reach out if you’re interested!

Recap: May 1, 2018 Meetup

Thanks to all the folks who joined us on Tuesday! If you couldn’t make it, look for recordings soon on our Youtube channel,

A big thank-you to our sponsors who made tonight possible. And congrats to Jared, Phil, and Travis, winners of Manning Publications’ Elixir In Action, The Little Elixir and OTP Guidebook, and the upcoming Phoenix In Action.

We started the evening off with an open-mic night. Eric Oestrich shared an exciting update to his ex_venture project: it now supports running on multiple nodes for improved uptime and scalability.

We continued the meetup by mob-programming an exercise in Elixir. is a platform that lets you collaborate and seek feedback on coding exercises in various languages. We had some great discussion, helpful to newcomers and experienced Elixirists alike!

Our next event will be on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 We’re always looking for speakers—please let me know if you’re interested!

Recap: March 6, 2018 Meetup

Thanks to all the folks who joined us on Tuesday! If you couldn’t make it, look for recordings soon on our Youtube channel,

Thanks as always to our sponsors who made tonight possible. And congrats to Andrew, Doug, and Joe, winners of Manning Publications’ Elixir In Action, The Little Elixir and OTP Guidebook, and the upcoming Phoenix In Action.

We kicked things off with an open-mic night that ended up spanning the whole meeting!

Eric Oestrich shared a clever approach to keeping commonly-used strings (like form labels) in a separate text file that’s compiled into functions by hooking into Phoenix’s code-reloading with @external_resource. Check out the blog post for more detail.

Steve Grossi talked about a positive experience deploying Eric’s ex_venture on Gigalixir, a relatively new Elixir hosting platform-as-a-service more tailored to Elixir and OTP apps than something like Heroku.

Ben Falk gave a fascinating deep-dive into reverse-engineering the binary protocol used by the Dark Age of Camelot MMORPG in an effort to build his own server for the game. Elixir makes parsing binary data easy, but doing so at this scale required some interesting patterns.

Our next event will be on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 We’re always looking for speakers—please let me know if you’re interested!